Friday 25 July 2014

Living @ Fox's Marina

We are now into week eight at Fox's Marina and have yet to go sailing!!  The task list has grown, and like most projects there have been time delays and budget over runs.  When we arrived we had approximately 80 jobs on our 'to do' list - this is now expanded to about 140!  The good news is that most of these jobs are now complete with just the residual tasks remaining.  The unscheduled task of removing the fuel injectors has delayed us two weeks as the injectors required new nozzles - with a 10 day lead time!  John re-installed the injectors on Friday and we are now waiting for the final engine parts (exhaust elbow) which will hopefully arrive Monday and we can finally go out for a sail this week. 

More gear to store.
In the meantime it has still been long days of hard graft, this included unpacking 1.3cu mtrs of gear that we had stored in the USA, although it did feel like Christmas had arrived early the downside was trying to find space to fit our excess in.  Thank goodness charity shops collect donations.:)  We also used the "down-time" to do some unscheduled maintenance, repairs, and minor improvements - cleaning, polishing, sanding, varnishing etc. 

Happiness = power tools.

John is enjoying the change from sitting behind a desk to be active and mobile each day.  No need for any gym workouts now - the daily routine keeps us fit!

There is no chance of getting bored in the marina as we have new 'neighbours' arrive every few days and are rafted up to us.  Often the salon
windows are blocked by the large motor boats that are moored alongside.  The favourite view so far is the tug boat. 

The salon view changes daily. 

Next post will hopefully report on our first sail .......


  1. Bata and Sally28 July 2014 at 02:14

    Hi guys,

    you are doing great job on your lovely boat.

    Hope to see you soon out on the Orwell.

  2. Have you thought of renting a serviceable yatch to go sailing, just so you can remember what it's like?

  3. Start with 80, end with 140. Just the usual AR scheme then

  4. what a beaut looking home. leave some items on 'to do list' in case you get bored sailing around all those wonderful places on your bucket list- ha ha. Take care guys
