Tuesday 26 August 2014

Oostende, Belgium

We enjoyed our time in Oostende exploring the local area, enjoying Belgian chocolate, beers, cheese and people watching. One observation is the love of dogs and bikes - both which are everywhere. One of the highlights was catching up with Susie and family who were in spending a week on holiday in the local area and called in for a visit. 
The Royal North Sea Yacht Club Marina was centrally located and a busy time in the weekends with a constant flow of boats in and out.  We have yet to get used to other boats rafting up and then people walking across our decks at all hours of the night. A walk off the boat to the heads/showers and laundry was like taking a step class at low tide but good exercise for the day!

Low tide!
Being so close to Bruges (15min train ride) we visited this historic town. Bruges is a gorgeous Gothic city located near the Belgium coast with cobblestone lanes, canals and soaring spires and is described as 'one of Europe's most picture-perfect historic cities'. In the 11th century, Bruges was one of the world's  largest cities.  Today is a major tourist destination.
Novelty chocolates ...

Bruges is often referred to as the 'Venice of the North' which is appreciated as you wander the streets - even on a wet day it was very picturesque.

A typical canal scene in Bruges
While it would have been relaxing to stay longer and enjoy the ambience of Oostende, it was time to return to the UK and continue with the 'shakedown' training passage's to ensure we have the experience on Sabbaticus to cross the Bay of Biscay in the next month and be in the Mediterranean for winter.

The next blog update will be our
 return trip to the UK.


  1. Loving the log. Keep it up and stay safe!

  2. Geoff told me to post... Leanne he is very disappointed you are not roaming the great cities of Europe with a flash Handbags. He remembers me nagging you JL to get lEanne a red purse. Must say I noticed plenty of room on Sabbaticus for one moderately sized but gorgeous purse. :-)

  3. So very happy for you both living out your dream. Love reading all of your blog entries. Keep them coming. Happy sailing Madonna xxx
