Monday 31 August 2015

On the Hard in Marmaris, Turkey

Finally hauled out - 6 hours late!
After discussing the options for sometime and receiving numerous quotes we decided to haul Sabbaticus out of the water in Yacht Marina, Marmaris to have the coppercoat re-applied to the hull (her bottom) and complete some other minor maintenance tasks. While we lose cruising time it was more cost effective to complete this job in Turkey as opposed to Sicily where we are booked into a marina for winter. After an early start we were at the marina waiting for the agreed 0900hrs haul out only to wait alongside in the heat until 1500hrs when we were finally lifted. We were not impressed as our contractor, Murad (from Port Yacht Technic) was patiently waiting to commence work with his team and we lost one of our contracted 15 hard standing days.

Support struts positioned
We were a bit apprehensive when we saw the support struts for Sabbaticus, 13 poles and wedges used to keep her secure. We felt a bit unstable on the first night - given this was our first time on dry land for 15 months it felt like Sabbaticus would topple over.  This was not helped by John stating if she goes over make sure you go for the high side and hang on! 

Having now experienced living on the hard we now understand why there is a special summer rate as it is incredibly hot and humid working in Aug. With no air conditioning, fridge or freezer (these only operate when we are in the water) and no toilets or shower facilities onboard (we trudge across the dusty yard to use the marina bathrooms and carry numerous buckets of water up and down the steps each day), it was trying times onboard and difficult to cook and sleep in the heat. Yet another good team building experience!

Yacht Marina
Two different worlds
Despite the heat (most days 35 -38 degs) Yacht Marina was an easy place to stay with a large supermarket, air conditioned library, pool, free ferry to the city centre, hair dresser and fitness centre. The marina has 700 berths and hard standing for 1,000 yachts with a large chandlery and repair workshops on site so very easy to get work on the boat completed.  Due to the high temps we treated ourselves to one night in a hotel in town to enjoy the luxury of an air conditioned room.  Our one night off the boat gave us a glimpse into UK focused holiday resorts (Hi-de-Hi campers!), complete with a mosque visible from the pool. 

Engine trials
GRP spot repairs
After 15 days the maintenance task list was completed and we were back in the water.  Murad and his team did an excellent job of re-applying the copper coat which required careful planning and meticulous attention to detail in application given the extremely hot conditions.  They also did a range of other minor repairs including woodwork, engine maintenance (removal, cleaning and installation of the heat exchanger), varnishing and spot repairs to the GRP.  We were impressed with the quality of workmanship exhibited by Murad and his team.  One of the highlights of our time in Marmaris was dinner at Murad's apartment with his family where we learned his expertise extends to the kitchen with a delicious meal of spare ribs.

Rudder servicing

New anchor chain markings
Despite contracting some of the work out our days were still busy with routine maintenance including servicing the 23 thru hull fittings, replacing anodes, cleaning the prop, cleaning the bilges, cleaning the sails and minor repair work, painting the anchor chain intervals and the list goes on and on with a total of 52 tasks completed. This did not include a total clean of the boat inside and out when we were back in the water to remove all the dust from the yard which seemed to go everywhere. Plus, the numerous loggie runs into town for local purchases. 

One observation from being in the yard is older men walking, or biking, in their speedos!  If John ever thinks about this dress option then it is time to move back on land. We are now looking forward to another three weeks cruising down the coast of Turkey before starting the passage to Sicily.

Sabbaticus with her new coppercoat bottom
Moving back into the water

Yacht Marina

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