Friday 26 June 2015

Paros, Santorini and Naxos Islands

Stunning views ...
From Mykonos John and I enjoyed the 23NM trip (about five hours sailing) in 17-30kts wind to reach Paros Is while Maree and Colin endured the weather conditions again. Several times on this passage we heard the radio call for a ‘Pan-Pan’ emergency for a man lost over board - quite sobering reminder to remain viligent.  On arrival we anchored in a beautiful and expansive (and sheltered) Naousa Bay in the North of the island and enjoyed several days relaxing, hiking out to the lighthouse and swimming. 

The next dinner out?
We ended up completing a circumnavigation of Paros Is spending 16 days on this attractive, laid back island and enjoyed the quiet anchorages, good swimming beaches and lots of bays for walking. Paros is known for the abundance of pure white marble which was used in Napelon’s tomb. The island is well serviced by local ferries the run from the anchorages across the various bays which makes it easy to get off the boat and head into the local towns and between islands. A common sight on the island is octopus drying outside the taverna’s which is popular local dish. 
Piso Livadhi

After several days at Naousa Bay we motored for 2hrs around the top of the island and stopped at Pisa Livadhi town quay for several days and enjoyed another picturesque local scene and sheltered sandy beaches. Unfortunately this time the local’s recommendation for the taverna was disappointing with the octopus meals being returned and substituted for local fish n’chips - eating out is often a lottery as we are finding out.  While at Pisa Livadhi we caught the day ferry to Santorini a pleasant 2.5hrs ride without having to adjust any sails, check a course or complete the hourly log there was nothing to do but sit back and enjoy the ride.  

The entry to Santorini was somewhat foreboding with the sheer lava-layers cliffs dropping into the sea.  Despite the tourism, Santorini is a stunning island with white villages clinging to the imposing volcanic cliffs and dotted with numerous blue domed church’s. Santorini was formed by a massive volcanic eruption that destroyed part of this once-circular island in 1450BC.  The resulting under water crater is associated with the legend of the lost city of Atlantis.  We enjoyed the day meaning along the main town with it’s winding, narrow streets full of shops and restaurants perched on the clifftops.  We saw a novel way of collecting the town rubbish down a steep path using a donkey.

Memorial in private garden
After Piso Lavadhi we headed further around the island and anchored at Aliki which was a large anchorage with most days seeing 20 boats peacefully anchored.  We made the most of the visibly and clear water with John completing two dives to clean the hull while Leanne washed down the bootstrap.  Sabbaticus’s bottom is now smooth again and free of any growth. After beautiful sunsets it was time to haul anchor and sail the 22NM to the main town of Paroikia to secure ourselves before the next forecasted blow came through.  

Just enough room for us
Paroikia is the main ferry hub for Paros and an easy town to walk around with a real ‘working feel’ to it.  We found the best well stocked hardware store since leaving the UK in Paroikia with a few more items now crossed off the boat shopping list.  A trip by bus down the coast to the local dive shop enabled us to fill our dive tanks ready for the next boat dive. At Paroikia we were able to secure a berth in the town quay after the charter boats departed which made it easy for us to walk off the boat at anytime as opposed to a trip (which usually incurred a wet backside) ashore in the RIB.  We all enjoyed a relaxing few days at Paroikia and made the most of the local bakeries complete with an ice cream section, several meals out at a local taverna watch and walks to the different beaches depending on the weather.  

We then moved to Naxos Is which were perfect conditions for Maree and Colin's last sail on Sabbaticus with a light 10-15kt breeze and a short 20NM trip.  Naxos has been another enjoyable island to visit with the Venetian Castle on top of the hill.  We anchored under the major tourist attraction the marble arch which was part of a temple started in 530BC but never completed.  Naxos is our last stop with Maree and Colin who catch a ferry back to Athens to return to NZ. We will then have to adjust the two of us again as we sail further east to the Dodecanese group of islands next.

The next update will be from Maree and Colin to provide a 'first-time sailing' perspective of their holiday on Sabbaticus.  Below are a few more photos.

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